CHAPTER NINE - Nairobi Cocktail, The Sleaze

It was Naliaka’s fifth month of not peddling flesh, also her fifth month as a car thief assistant. Boss had been right about the gig getting easier with each hit. Two or three jobs a week and she no longer spent sleepless nights worrying about strangers she had set up for robbery. All the jobs, except two when the victims had tried to fight back, had been smooth and bloodless. The resisting victims had been left unconscious on the ground with gashing wounds on their heads, courtesy of Oti’s gun muzzle.
Naliaka pick-up driver had helped drag the unconscious victims near the road, somewhere they would be easily spotted by passers-by. 
The first time Oti had hit the victim so hard that Naliaka was sure she had heard a crack on the skull. She had screamed at Oti in horror. The bile coming up her throat had threatened to spill out. “Why do you have to be so brutal?” She had demanded, in between tears. 
“If you see a man willing to fight a man with a gun, it means they have a gun too and are looking for an opportunity to shoot you. You have to incapacitate them before they kill you. They are lucky we do not shoot.” Kamau had explained as he watched a gum-chewing Oti wipe the bloody muzzle on his jeans.
That was the longest conversations she and Kamau had ever had. She has no memory of engaging Oti in a conversation. In fact, she pretty much avoided looking at Oti in the eye because when she did, her blood turned cold. They may have worked together, but hand and face signals did most of the talking for them. They would arrive at a pre-arranged pub at different times, nod at one another when they spotted one another. Naliaka would send a message to Kamau when her prey was identified. They were never inside the same car for more than twenty minutes, twenty tense minutes as Kamau drove them to a secluded spot, Oti holding a gun against a shaken victim and at the same time shouting at Naliaka once in a while not to try anything stupid. Naliaka would sit still, choosing to believe Oti would harm her if she as much blinked. Then they would drive off after the job was done, leaving her behind with the victim.
Boss had given strict instructions, that she must never drive off in the stolen car, whatever the situation, ‘you never know if there will be a chase. I do not want you getting shot.’ And so, even the two instances when the victims were unconscious, Naliaka would be left behind as she waited for her lift, one that always arrived five minutes after victim drop off.
That Naliaka had changed careers was the reason she had not seen Father Joshua for months, and it was getting on his nerves. Her number no longer went through. He left messages whenever he called. She never called back. With a sense of loss, he had started accepting the possibility that she may have died.
Father Joshua had been obsessively going to the same club he first met her. Every Friday, sometimes on an odd day. He would go back home disappointed, feeling let down, like he had been stood up for a date. He would pick up what he thought as alternative women only after he was sure she would not be turning up, but all the other women did was satisfy his sexual urge, not his need for Kiki, and his need was turning into something near painful. His heart was aching for her.
Months of not seeing her and he was slowly considering giving up on ever seeing her again, if only for the sake of his sanity. He considered lighting a candle for her soul, just in case she had died.  
On this Friday, when he walked in and her radiant face beckoned at him from the entrance, he missed his step and nearly bumped into another patron. Then he feared that he may have been dreaming – he had been dreaming with her a lot lately. His instinct was to run to her and hug her, drag her to the lodging and make love to her, then he would ask her where the hell she had been. He did not. Instead, he collected his dignity, smiled what he hoped was a casual smile and took long and bold steps towards her. She saw him when he was a few steps away from him and her face brightened with a smile. She stood up and opened her arms.
It was a hug that went on for long enough for Kamau and Oti, sitting a few metres from her, to notice and sit up straight.
“Where have you been?” Father Joshua demanded, his earlier resolve to be calm forgotten. “I have been looking for you for months. Your number never goes through…are you okay?” He was still holding her hand, his other hand smoothing her face, unwilling to let her go, secretly reassuring himself that he was not dreaming.
Naliaka laughed, amused by his display of what she thought was vulnerability.  
“I decided to explore the city, it is big, you know…”
“And you didn’t think to inform me?” He was still upset.
“I do not answer to you, Father…”
“I am your client!” He protested, looking genuinely hurt. She chuckled. “That is no way to treat clients…”
“What a sweet thing to say.” She laughed as she took back her seat. “I am sorry, I am back. You want to take a seat?”
“I would rather we went to the hotel…’
‘Come on, sit down and relax a little…”
She could feel Oti and Kamau glaring at her, but she refused to look at them. For the period they had worked together, they had never seen Naliaka that friendly to a man. She felt her phone vibrate with incoming messages. She ignored it because she knew it was Kamau asking what was happening. She could bet on her last shilling that Boss already knew there was something different tonight.
“Why? You have never wanted to sit and relax a little…”
“Well, because, dear Father, Christmas for you has come early and you can have me tonight for free. Perhaps you will find it in your heart to forgive me…”
“What is it with you?” He was peering at her, one side of his brow lifted, like he was expecting to see in her eyes whatever it is he thought was wrong with her.
“Prostitutes also have a heart to give back to the society. Sit. Have your beer, I will even pay for it.”
Naliaka was more excited to see Father Joshua than she was willing to show him. If she could, she would have already kissed him on the mouth, for long. Seeing him had reminded her that sex, something she had not had for months, was actually nice when it was good. Father Joshua knew how to make it good. Seeing him had made her realise that for months, she had been the butt end of a gun; a real life prop in robberies, and what did she have to show for that? During the last five months, her life had evolved around planning robberies with Boss and executing them with Kamau and Oti. Seeing Father Joshua had given her a sudden urge to take a break for the dangerous humdrum life she had been living.
She needed sex. Real sex. The whole nine yards. Spending a night, every fortnight, in Boss’ house was nice but hardly satisfying. She had dutifully slept with him, naked, but there was still no sex. Boss had managed to make her doubt her ability in getting any man, even a dead one, to respond to her body. He had not, not in the way she actually wanted him to. Slowly and surely, Boss had relaxed in her arms, against her body, even spooned her possessively at night. The last two times, he had made a strange request.
“Can I at least pleasure you?” This question had been asked, right after their shower.
“What do you mean, pleasure me?” She had already entered between the sheets, allowing the silk to caress her freshly showered and oiled body.
“You know… more than one ways to skin a cat?”
Naliaka had understood with a smile. She had even understood his need to make her feel good. She understood he wanted to give her sexual pleasure through whatever way, to affirm himself. To stop feeling useless. To perhaps claim her.
She had let him go down on her. A messy affair at first until she took charge of instructing him about what to do, how to do it, the speed. It had been amazing, for both of them. Naliaka did not know it because Boss never did tell her, but whenever she writhed in pleasure, his manhood would get excited. Whenever he paused to breath and look at the marvel that was her womanhood, things happened to his manhood. It was excitement that lasted as long as she writhed under him, sometimes up to minutes after, but it embarrassed him, and scared him. The fear was what always stopped him from penetrating her.
Naliaka loved the sessions, even thought it was something she could live with, until she saw Father Joshua and realised how much she had missed him, or missed his sexual skills, and missed having a man inside her. Plus how was she expected to resist the hungry look he was giving her? How could she not feed on his happy feelings?
Boss. She reluctantly allowed herself to think of him. Knowing him and his dangerous mix of ego and insecurities about his sex issues, there was no way he would be okay with what she was about to do. That she was about to cancel on a job was not going to make things better. But she needed to do this, not just for her sexual needs or old time’s sake but to test Boss’ ability to let her be. Since the day she had stood him up after her first job, she had never tested his promise to let her be. This was her opportunity, and she was going to take it.
Now, to get rid of Kamau and Oti, whose laser eyes were burning into her from the side. No way, also, was she going to let the men rob the priest. She could never live with herself. She needed to gather her thoughts. Somehow, she had to shake off her two workmates. It would be impossible to hide from them, they were her shadow before any job, even followed her to the toilet. The only option was to come clean to Boss. He was the only one who could make them leave her alone.
With thoughts of Boss crowding her mind, she was struggling to keep up with Father Joshua’s chatter. Once in a while he would take a break to take a sip of his beer but would resume as soon as the beer was down the throat.  
Naliaka, looking at him but not seeing him, hearing him but not listening to him, nodded at whatever he was saying, once in a while. She smiled when he laughed, rubbed his thigh in assurance. “You seem a little distracted. Are you okay?” He suddenly asked, looking concerned.
“I am fine, I promise. I need to use the toilet…” She stood up, but he was hanging on to her arm.
“You are coming back?”
She laughed. “I am only going to the toilet. Do you want me to leave my handbag as insurance?” The question had been in jest, but he grabbed the bag from her. She was thankful for having her phone in her hands. As she walked towards the toilets, she saw Oti and Kamau follow her.
The toilets were busy. She had to wait for five minutes to get a cubicle and as she peed, she dialled Boss’ number. He picked on first ring.
“What’s wrong?” He demanded tensely.
“Nothing. But I need the night off…” She was sounding more courageous than she felt, but she could not afford to give the impression that she was unsure about demanding to be let of for the night.
“Why, are you unwell? Oh wait, is it that man Kamau told me about?” She was right. He already knew.
“I am perfectly okay and that man is an old friend …”
“Friend.” It was not a question. It sounded more like an echo of her words.
“Yes, friend. I want to spend time with him…” She was whispering into the phone because there were people waiting to use the toilet after her.
Boss swallowed hard. When he spoke, his voice was a croak. “Sorry. But this is not right. What do we do with Oti and Kamau?”
“Just give them a day off. You can give them my pay from the next job as compensation. I don’t mind, really, but I cannot let them rob the man I am with.”
“Why not?”
“Please, I am begging you…” She felt close to tears.
“Okay, okay. But please, don’t make a habit of doing this…”
“I will make sure I give you enough notice next time.”
“…Next time…” he trailed off, like he was shocked to hear there was going to be a next time.
“So you will call them off…”
“Yes Naliaka, I will.” She could hear him sigh heavily. “Are you going to take him to the hotel?”
“No. I no longer have the arrangement…” She was not sure if Father Joshua would be okay with her going to his house but if he was not, they would find another hotel.
“Naliaka, tomorrow, come to my house, is that alright?” His tone had softened.
“Okay. What time?”
“You will have lunch with me so be here latest two PM.” He sighed loudly. “Also, calling me while you are peeing is a bit rude…”
She chuckled and said sorry before disconnecting the call.
With that, she walked out of the toilet. He two shadows were hovering around the corridor. She winked at them, they shook their heads simultaneously in obvious confusion. One day, she decided, she would really have a conversation with her teammates.
She found Father Joshua, looking comical as he stood facing the direction of the toilet, still clutching at her bag.
In the end, when Naliaka told Father Joshua she no longer had free access to the hotel, he begged her to go home with him, that he wanted to wake up next to her, to serve her breakfast in bed.
“You mean another home, or the church home?”
“Stop asking unnecessary questions…” He had said, leading the way as he held her hand.

When Boss felt composed to not sound shaken on the phone, he dialled Kamau’s number. “Right. You do not rob the man she is with, but you follow them to wherever they go and let me know where…”
“Okay Boss…” Kamau answered. On the trail, he and Oti would discuss Boss’ relationship with Kiki. They would wonder if they were doing it or not. They would agree they were doing it. They would wonder how he could let her go home with another man. They would decide the only plausible explanation was, that man had something that Boss badly needed, that Kiki, as they still knew her, needed to have access to whatever that thing was.
An hour Kamau called Boss, interrupting his melancholy and the metallic taste. He looked at the phone screen in near disgust, wishing Kamau would have just let him continue wallowing in self-pity.  
“Sema…” He answered with a dry mouth. Where had his saliva gone?
 “Boss, they went into a church compound …”
“Who?” He was that confused.
“Kiki and the man. They went into a church compound. We could not follow them inside because there is a gate man but we peeped through the fence and saw them enter a house…”
“You think he works in the church?”
“I think so.”
“Right. Tomorrow, you will be going to church…”
“You heard me. Find a hotel nearby and catch a few hours of sleep. You and Oti will go inside the church compound, don’t leave until you see him and find out what he is…”
“I don’t go to church because I don’t believe in God…”
“Neither do I but you will be among peers because the biggest thieves hide in church.” Boss decline in his belief in a supreme being started when he felt he should have been protected from his first rapist. "This is an assignment, I am not asking you to be the preacher.”
When he disconnected the line, Boss started giggling until his giggles turned into full blown laughter. “A church man?” He asked himself loudly, getting up to fetch another beer from the fridge. “A church man taking home a prostitute? What is the world turning into?” He was no longer angry, his mouth did not feel dry anymore. The taste of metal had also disappeared. “I believe my mouth and evil thoughts just experienced divine intervention…” And he continued laughing.
Like he did with each and every one of people who worked for him, he had them followed. He knew where each and every one of them lived, who their friends and girlfriends and family were. What they did when they were not stealing. Even the people he retained to follow people were themselves followed.
That was how he knew that Naliaka no longer engaged in commercial sex – in any sex if the information he got was correct. During short moments of insanity, something that happened frequently when it involved Naliaka, he imagined he was responsible for her change. That she did not mind so much that she no longer had penetrative sex, that what he gave her was good enough.
He was still jealous though. Jealous that Naliaka went home with another man. A little angry that she was not satisfied with what he gave her. But he was no longer feeling murderous.


As Boss slept off his hangover in Kirinyaga Road, Naliaka, wearing Father Joshua’s tee-shirt, picking nuts one by one from a bowl and sipping on her coffee that was getting cold pretty fast, was watching a comedy on television and trying not to burst out in laughter every twenty seconds. Her urge to laugh was not because the comedy was too funny, but it was the thought that she had just had a seriously passionate night with a Catholic priest, one who was supposed to be celibate but was the best lover she had ever had, the very same one who was conducting mass about a hundred metres from where she was.
She could hear the beautiful music coming from the church. She could hear children running around the area near her. She laughed at the scandal that would be if anyone discovered their handsome priest had a woman hidden in his house, that he had spent half the night eating from the forbidden tree.
“I will be gone for about two hours.” He had told her in the morning. “Please, I don’t need to tell you that you cannot go outside the house…Father Matthew lives next door. He may be in so keep away from the windows as well. If anyone knocks, do not open…”
“Perhaps Father Matthew has a woman in there as well?” Naliaka quipped, enjoying his attempt to be serious.
“That’s not the point…”
“So he does eat from the forbidden fruit as well…” she laughed loudly.
“Stop being cheeky…”
“Why so serious?” She had mocked as she sat against the headboard, naked and deliberately exposing her breasts, watching him secure his Priest collar.
“It’s not funny.” He had protested as he grabbed the rest of his attire and nearly bumped into the door.
“I will be right here when you return …” She had called after him.
An hour and a half later, the music stopped. Muffled voices from congregants leaving the church followed. Car engines started. She walked to the window, drew a little bit of the curtain and peeped outside. It was a sunny day and she desperately wanted to soak in the sun. She could make out Father Joshua, standing at the top staircase of the church, shaking hands of congregants. She thought she saw him look into her direction and she left the window spot.
She was bored. There was only so much television one could watch without having the freedom to take a walk outside. She was tired of reheating her coffee and she missed her thermos coffee mug. She had run out of nuts and she did not feel like munching on the biscuits, the only other light food available. Then she heard his voice. He was talking to someone. She jumped from the seat and disappeared into the bedroom, shutting the door behind her slowly.
“Thank you Michael. You can place everything in the pantry. Don’t worry about unpacking – I will do that later…”
“What was Michael helping you with?” She asked coyly when he opened the door. She was naked on the bed.
“Offertory…” He answered, looking at her naked body as he quickly shed off his clothes, starting with the collar. “You are the reason I will surely go to hell…” He whispered as he sunk into her.


Boss slowly came out of sleep. First, his mind was aware that he needed to get up. Then he registered a headache, and a clogged head. Neither of those was a surprise. He had drank late into the night, and he had drank much more than he should have. The cold was what finally persuaded him to get up. He had slept naked and he had kicked away the duvet at some point, alcohol having given him heat that was not available outside the body. Now the alcohol was gone, leaving behind its ugly cousins; hangover and chills.
He sat up on the bed and groaned, putting his head between his hands. He came this close to swearing never to drink again, but he was fed up of breaking that promise. His phone rang. He grunted as he picked it from the bedside table. His shaky hands almost dropped it.
“Boss. We went to church…” It was Kamau, sounding excited about life.
“Good for you. I hope you did not confess your sins. What was the sermon about?”
“Some dude who lied to his blind father about being the first born…like, how stupid was the father?” Kamau laughed. He loved it when Boss was in a joking mood. It did not happen often but when it did, he took full advantage.
Boss laughed, despite of his entire body discomfort. “Why do you imagine he was stupid?”
“I do not have children, but you would think differentiating your children’s voices is basic.”
Boss laughed. “I hear you. So, did you see the man?”
“You will never guess what he is?”
“The cleaner?” Boss asked. He didn’t think whoever the man was, was a cleaner, but Kamau sounded like he needed humouring.
Kamau took the bait and laughed. “Wrong. He is the priest…”
“Huh? Like a preacher?”
“Even worse, a Catholic priest…”
Boss chuckled, more in confusion than amusement. “Aren’t they supposed to be celibate?”
“Clearly not this one…”
“Wow…what about Kiki?”
“She is still in the house as far as I know. Oti stayed outside the church just to keep an eye on her. She didn’t leave…”
“Right…you can go home now. Thank you guys…”
The conversation had turned out to be a good hangover killer, and a painkiller. Boss was amused, and shocked. He was not a religious man in any way, shape or form, but the least he expected of religious men was for them to fear the Supreme Being they worshipped. As a man man who took promises seriously, he expected them to be celibate if they promised to be celibate.
He looked at the time. Eleven AM. He had at least two hours before Naliaka came to see him. If she came.


Later, still wrapped around each other’s sweaty bodies, Naliaka shifted. “So, you keep the offertory?” She had memories, as a church going child, of congregants taking their first fruit and random food gifts to the priest. This would be the first time she was trying to understand what they did.
He sniggered as he stripped off his collar. “There is not much else to do with it. It is always too much so I share with the less fortunate.”
“What a nice job you have. You eat your cake and have it…what the hell do you do with your salary?”
“Pay for nice stuff…you are nice stuff.” They laughed. “And buy nice clothes I guess. Go for holidays…there is a lot one can do with it but save. But seriously, I give out a lot of my money. There are many children who would otherwise be out of school if I did not use my money to pay their school fees…”
“Nice. That sounds like your ticket to heaven…”
“But there is you…” He was tracing his fingers along her jaw. “You make me think things… things I have never thought before.”
“What things?” She asked, unable to hide a sudden panic.
“Like, how would it be like to leave priesthood? How would it feel like to get married…”
She pushed him away. “Stop thinking such nonsense. You leave your calling for me, I shall certainly disappoint you. My life is too dark…” She went to the window and peeped outside, thinking of Boss.
“So is mine…”
“Well yeah. Still, do not do anything stupid because of me.”
“We shall see…” He whispered.
“Anyway, I need to go. How are you sneaking me out of this priestly house?” She needed to get out of there. That little discussion, and that Father Joshua looked very serious had put her on flight mode.
“Already? Can’t you stay another night?”
Naliaka chuckled and shook her head. She had had a good time with Father Joshua, but he was a nymphomaniac, impossible to sexually satisfy and she hated not having the choice to leave the house. When she was in her house, she easily and often stayed in the whole day, but that was not as bad as this because in her house, she had the choice to venture outside.
She had had too much sex since last night. It had been so long and she could already feel her private parts tingling. Plus, how many times could a man have sex in two days? Plus, he was getting too attached. She shook her head and ignored his puppy face.
“When can I see you next?”
She thought about it. She thought about the potential fight she was likely to have with Boss for abandoning her duty last night. She thought about her cuddly nights with Boss and whether she would prefer to have sex with Father Joshua or have alternative sex with Boss.  She wanted both, at different times. She needed to work it out. “A month from now…”
“That’s too long. Can I not see you next weekend?”
She shook her head emphatically. “No. Sorry. I am booked.”
He looked crushed.
An hour later, Father Joshua sneaked Naliaka out of the house. He had first checked if Father Matthew was in – he was not. He reversed the car close to the entrance, made sure there were no prying eyes around and opened the back door of the car, one he had backed very close to the main door, covered her with clothes until he was sure they were safe, about five kilometres away.


Boss had no memory of ever cooking for a woman, but that was easy to explain. He had never cooked for one. He hardly cooked for himself anyway. Never say never, it was his new mantra. He had a cook who came in three days a week. Sunday was not one of those days. When he had decided that he would not be ordering for pizza like he always does, that he would make a meal from scratch, he opened and closed his kitchen cupboards, checking what was available for cooking. There was not much to choose from, but he spotted some left over sukuma wiki, and there was meat in the freezer, and there was ugali. Basic, but he had faith in his culinary skills when it came to cooking meat and preparing ugali.
He was on a mission to impress a woman, and the pressure he felt to impress Naliaka was a little disturbing. He scratched his beard and tightened his apron. He put the meat in the microwave to defrost as he cut up the onions and tomatoes. He peeled off the garlic and crushed it, impressed with himself, that these kitchen tasks still came to him naturally. He had not been to the kitchen in years, not to cook anyway.
He thought about Naliaka. About when he first saw her, how they had progressed since then. He thought about what he thought was the most luscious body, the most beautiful face. The stubborn heart, one he could not decide if it was inborn or acquired. Her life had been messy for too long, one would have to develop a thick skin to survive it. How she was not afraid of him. That was both refreshing and annoying. He liked it when people were afraid of him, but he loved watching the fire in Naliaka’s eyes whenever she defied him, which was more often than he liked.
Like last night. That she dared to cancel on a job was shocking. Nobody had done that and survived. That was usually their cue to exit, usually exit the earth. As he turned the onions with a wooden cooking stick, he knew he had no intention of harming Naliaka. If anything, it made him more protective, needier of her presence, attention and body.
He needed to know more about the priest. Why he had been the one to make Naliaka lose focus. Why, if he could believe Kamau, she had been so excited to see him. Why she had dropped all plans just to go home with the priest. Was he the only one who could do that, or were there other men out there she had a soft spot for? Was she likely to be seeing the priest more?
 By the time the food was all ready for his date, his head was spinning. He removed his apron and went to take a shower, touching his manhood, willing it to back him in his fight for Naliaka. He gasped when he touched and felt hardness. Was it possible that he could be ready to be a real man with Naliaka?


Three taps on the door. He felt his heart skip and palms sweat and cursed under his breath. He shook himself, assuming the boss persona. When he opened the door, for a second, he thought he had done so for the wrong woman. The look was Naliaka, the height, even the smile, but for her head.
“Hey. What’s with the head thing?” He asked when he recovered, ushering her in and securing the door.
Naliaka’s head, unlike when she was on the prowl and wore a wig or at day time when she left her head bare, she stood in front of Boss, a red head-wrap covering her head. The head-wrap had been a blessing in disguise, a perfect icebreaker. He had almost twiddled with his fingers earlier, wondering if it was better to act as if nothing was off, or to start off by telling her off about her cancelling on a job.
Naliaka laughed. “It’s a cold day, my head was freezing.” It was true, the day had started hot and promising but by the time it was midday, it was like a different season all together. She was also wearing a long, light cotton coat and a pair of black boats over her jeans. She removed the boats, revealing a pair of thick socks. She removed the coat, revealing a tight fitting black top.
“When did you change?” What he wanted to ask was, did she also have a change of clothes in the priest’s house?
She shrugged as she slumped on the sofa. “What do you mean?”
He shrugged, sitting next to her and facing her, displaying more courage than he felt. “I know you didn’t go home last night…”
She shrugged again, turning away to hide her embarrassment. “Well, I went home in the morning…”
“Right…” He stood up and rubbed his hands. “Come on then, wash your hands. We need to eat before the food goes cold…”
“Great, I am very hungry. I have not eaten a proper meal all day.” She was lying. Father Joshua, before getting ready for church, had prepared an elaborate breakfast for both of them. She had only managed half of it and she was still feeling stuffed, especially because she had fed on nuts out of boredom.    
They ate in silence for a few minutes. Naliaka was as usual playing with her food more than she was eating it, but with every spoonful she managed to eat, she wished she was hungry because it was very tasty. “This is good. Who made it?”
Boss laughed.
“I made the food, from scratch, thank you very much…okay, except the sukuma wiki. I just reheat those…”
“Very nice. I suck at cooking…”
“You suck at eating too…”
“Funny.” She hit him playfully across the table. “If there is any left, can I may just carry some with me.” Boss did not answer, and when Naliaka looked up from her food, he was staring at her, and he wasn’t eating. She licked her fingers before speaking. “You are giving me very strange looks, what is it? Have I done something wrong?” She pushed her half full plate away.
She looked back at him, trying to feel and look defiant. She knew she should have been more afraid of him but could not bring herself to be. “Are you jealous that I slept with someone else last night?” She suddenly blurted out.
“Why should I be?” He retorted, immediately regretting his tone. “It’s your business if you want to sleep with all the men in Nairobi, but I do not want my work to suffer…”
“I said I am sorry…”
“So, who is he?” He was testing her honesty.
“Why are you so interested?”
“Because you work for me and I need to know the people who are likely to confuse you during work. Because for months you have worked for me and have never absconded. Surely you cannot blame my curiosity. Come on, humour me.”
She shrugged. “His name is Father Joshua…”
Boss found himself laughing loudly, and to his surprise, it was a genuine laugh. He still thought it unbelievable that the man was a priest.
“What’s funny?” But she was giggling as well.
“Father. Is that his first name or is he a priest?”
“He is a priest.” Then they both laughed.
“Are you not afraid of being struck by thunder?”
“I am not responsible for his sins, I have enough of my own to worry about.” She said dismissively, pulling back her plate, slicing a bit of ugali with her fingers and using the piece to wipe soup on the plate. She put it in her mouth. “You know, he is actually a really nice guy. I feel sorry that he has to do this. I don’t know why he cannot just walk out on priesthood and sin legally…”
“Legal sin? That’s a new one.”
“He is actually very passionate about being a priest, but his body lets him down. If I do not do it with him, he will find someone else. I am not an enabler so stop giving me that look.”
“Tell me how you met…”
“More or less the same way I met all the men I have slept with…”
He hated how casually she talked about the many men she had slept with. “But you like him more than you like all the others?”
The room was suddenly getting hot. She fanned her face with her hand, watching him, trying to work his mood. It was possible that Boss was just curious about Father Joshua, but she knew it was also possible that he was bothered about there being another man in her life.
“I do. He was respectful from the word go. You do not get a lot of that in my line of work…”
He sighed. “So you will see him again?”
“Yes I will.” She did not miss the look on his face. “And Boss, please, you will leave him alone. Please. He is harmless…”
“I don’t know what you mean…” But he was not looking at her.
“I am not stupid. If anything happens to him, I will blame you. You cannot touch him…”
He put up his hands in surrender. “Okay. Between me and his God, we should be able to keep him alive for about a hundred years…”
“It’s not funny…” But she was laughing. She had worried about Boss reaction to Father Joshua. She had worried about exposing him to Boss, for showing him preference so blatantly. Boss was the first to admit he was not a good man, that he was a killer. That she had not, in her excitement, remembered that Boss was someone who would, with the blink of an eye, kill anyone who stood between him and what he wanted. She knew he wanted her.
He was staring at her again. “What?”
 “Do you enjoy sex with him?”
She was shocked by question but nothing about her reaction betrayed her shock. She shrugged, like someone used to such questions. “I don’t actually.” She lied. “But he is nice and clean and he treats me well. He is also the only man who ever spoke to me like I am human, like he actually believes I have a brain.”
“I think you have a brain…” Boss said defensively.
“You are different. I do not sleep with you...not like that…”
“Would you sleep with me tonight?” The question was a near whisper.
“What did you say?” Her voice was the opposite of his; loud.
“I said,” he repeated slowly, holding her gaze. “I asked, would you sleep with me tonight?”
He shrugged and looked away. “Because I miss you…it’s been two weeks. I thought you would come here last night…” He was either a very good actor or emotional. Overly emotional.
“I am sorry…” And she was.
“So, will you stay?”
She held his gaze for a while. “How could I say no to that…” She smiled, reaching for his hand and brushing it with her soft hands. “What do you expect to happen tonight?” She was still sore from last night’s and that morning’s sex. Not that she had much hope in Boss’ ability to get her sorer but today, even oral sex she was going to say no to.
He shrugged. “Nothing, really.” And he meant it. His manhood had been responding to Naliaka therapy but he did not want to have sex with her a day after she had it with another man. “I just want to hold you…”
“Okay. I have missed you too…”
He smiled.


“You know, you are the first person I have ever told about the man I killed.” They were sharing a sofa and a blanket as they watched a music channel.
She laughed “I am honoured…I think. I would have done the same so I do not think it is anything to be ashamed of.”
“Oh, I am not. I just get angry that he turned me into the person I am. I blame him that he turned me into a criminal – I should have been a doctor, or an engineer. That would have made my parents so proud…”
“Speaking of your parents, have you ever been back?”
He shook his head. “Yes and no. Since my days on the streets, I go back home, but at night, to slip money under the door. I have never seen them physically though…”
“Do they at least know that you are alive?”
“I am sure they do. Where else would the money be coming from?”
“Does it bother you that you do not see them?”
Boss took his time to answer. He had asked himself, enough times the same questions Naliaka was asking him. Hearing them framed by a different person gave a different perspective. Over time, he had convinced himself that it did not bother him, that it would be better to let his parents be. He took care of them financially. The allowance he gave them had increased accordingly. He was sure they could afford to move houses, but how would he trace them.
The truth was, he was both ashamed and afraid of meeting his parents. They would probably give him one look and know exactly what he had been up to for the ten years he had stayed away from home, from them. They probably already knew because, why else would a child keep away from their parents unless they were up to no good? Most important, he did not want to expose them to his enemies.
“I think it bothers me, but I would rather not dwell on that…”
Naliaka thought about her dead mother and how much she would have loved to see her, how much different her life would have been if her mother had not died.
“I think you should go see them…”
He shifted on the sofa, shifting Naliaka with him. “How would I even start? I haven’t seen them for over ten years.”
“They are your parents, of course they will be happy to see you. Are you not curious to know how they are doing?”
Boss did not answer. Enough times, he had thought of engaging his investigators to follow up on his parents. Enough times, he had changed his mind because he preferred to keep his identity a secret. His investigators were as untrustworthy as everybody in the dark world. As far as he was concerned, they did not even know his real name.
Like a thief in the night, and he really was a thief, he still visited his parents. Once in a while, during full moon because he liked to get out and watch the full moon without interference of city lights, he still drove to his birth village, on his own. Still slipped money in envelopes under his parents’ door. The wads had become bigger with time. Every time he did that, he fought the temptation of knocking on the door, just to see their faces.
 “I am curious but there are a lot of things in this life I would like to do but I do not. Not seeing my parents just happens to be one of them…”


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